

Marjorie Moorefield wrote:

>  since I can't take anything to counteract
> the nausea, because it would bind with the levodopa and stop
> it from working effectively, and since Levodopa taken alone, and in the
> quantities
> I will have to take,  will cause nausea, can anyone who has taken
> it give me any suggestions?  My ND said to take it WITH meals.

Dear Marjorie,
It may be necessary to take it with meals; but you might try taking it with

ginger ale along with graham crackers, ginger snaps, fig bars, or vanilla
wafers, and see if that works. I've not heard that any of these will bind
with levodopa. Ginger helps to combat nausea for many people; the
crackers/cookies provide some low-protein food in the stomach, but not the
quantity of a whole meal. You might also try ginger tea for nausea.

Also, if you use any vitamin supplements containing B6, you should be aware

that B6 will block levodopa. It's important to get the RDA daily, but
supplements may be a problem.

My very best regards,

Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
"Nutrition you can live with!"
Medical nutrition therapy
Tel: 970-493-6532 // Fax: 970-493-6538