

 I am a bit late on this thread . The easiest way of experiecing the
internal tremor for me is to put my teeth very close together and
they chatter . Not audibly but I can feel them . Two things produce
this reaction in a normal person , cold and fear .
L-dopa produces a relaxed feeling in me as well  inproving my
movement disfunction . I tried to just stop the L-dopa and I had to
resume not for any movement disfunction but for the a pervasive
feeling of dread . Are pwps also emotionaly handicapped ?
I was at one stage taking my temperature at regular intervals  . It
fluctuated violently but always below normal . Before Irealized this
I went and bought anew thermometer thinking that my old one was
broken because the mercury would not rise above 35.5 the first few
days . PD seems to have made my temperature control bad . In summer
any heat is a problem .
 I have tried to put my internal tremors in their overall PD symptom
context . I only suffer occasionaly from resting tremor but I now
realize that internal tremors are almost continous .
          Alastair     ( [log in to unmask] )