

> Fra: Barbara Mallut <[log in to unmask]>
> Til: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
> Emne: Mental Exercises May help PD
> Dato: 1. januar 1998 10:35
> Wednesday December 31 12:24 PM EST
> Mental Exercise May Help Parkinson's
> NEW YORK (Reuters) -- A program of mental training may one day improve
> people with Parkinson's disease respond to drugs, experiments with
> rats suggest.
> .
> "Our studies hint that exercising your brain every day may be just as
> important as 20 minutes of physical exercise," said Tessel in a statement
> released by the university.
Dear Barb,
most interesting article, a couple of month ago we "younger" pwp In Aarhus
had a meeting with one of our younger neuroes in Aarhus and we were talking
obout how important it is to  "use" our brain every day and he recommended
us to use our computers e.g. as we do when we are reading the info on this
list. We also use our fingers when we are typing which is a great excersice
to hold our fingers supple (hope it`s the right word). For me -who is
Danish- I really have to think when I translate, and especielly when I`m on
Chat parkinsons I have to be "quick".
> "Several studies have hinted that the more education you have, the less
> you are to get Alzheimer's or Parkinson's," said Dr. Richard E. Tessel,
> professor of pharmacology and toxicology at the University of Kansas in
> Lawrence
Barb, I don`t know how much I believe this theory, because I know a lot of
people who have developed both PD and Altzheimer. For 18 years I was a
nursing aid and some of my patients were high-flyers and other "normal"
people like me:-)).

The study also supplies more evidence that lifestyle can influence the risk
> developing neurological disorders.
This I`m believeing more, I think about pollusion.

Best wishes
