

Happy New Year to all our listmembers.  May the coming year bring you
love, peace and happiness.  I would like to thank each one of you for all
of the information, compassion and humour that appear each and every day
on this list.  You have all helped to make the burden of Parkinson's
easier to bear and given us hope for the future.  You have also made our
little corner of the internet a very special place.  A special thank you to
those who voluntarily help with the administration of the list...John
Cottingham and Camilla Flinterman. To quote two of our members:  "Never
Give Up" and "Fund the Research...Find the Cure" (which is now a bumper
sticker on my car).  Barb

*  Parkinson's Information Exchange
*  owner           = [log in to unmask]       (Barbara Patterson)
*  Created: 93 Nov 08
*  Country        Subscribers
*  -------        -----------
*  Australia             41
*  Austria                1
*  Belgium                2
*  Brazil                 6
*  Canada                78
*  China                  1
*  Colombia               1
*  Denmark                8
*  Finland                2
*  France                 4
*  Germany                8
*  Great Britain         33
*  India                  3
*  Indonesia              1
*  Israel                 5
*  Italy                  8
*  Japan                  2
*  Liechtenstein          1
*  Malaysia               1
*  Mexico                 1
*  Netherlands           12
*  New Zealand            6
*  Portugal               2
*  Russia                 1
*  Saudi-Arabia           2
*  South Africa           7
*  Spain                 12
*  Sweden                 6
*  Switzerland            1
*  Taiwan                 1
*  Turkey                 1
*  USA                 1295
*  ???                    3
* Total number of "concealed" subscribers:       64
* Total number of users subscribed to the list: 1556  (non-"concealed" only)
* Total number of countries represented:         33  (non-"concealed" only)
* Total number of local node users on the list: 0  (non-"concealed" only)

Barbara Patterson                               [log in to unmask]
HSC 2J22                                        905-525-9140, ext. 22403
                        School of Nursing