

address:   [log in to unmask]

My mother has Parkinson's, and we are new to this group.  Right now my
questions mainly have to do with what to expect in the progression of my
mother's condition.  My brother, who is with her on the West Coast believes
she is at the end stage, after a dramatic downturn that has happened within
the last few weeks.  I can believe it talking to her on the phone, as she
is profoundly demented - talks and talks but is virtually incoherent.  I
understand that in addition to Sinemet the drugs she is taking include
Mirapex, Zippaxa, Paxil and Prosom.

You know, at least in the condition she is in at the moment she is not
experiencing a lot of fear and anxiety, which she has in the past [which I
associate with the "internal tremors"], so may be this is preferable.  But
what should we expect in the months and years ahead.  I've heard her doctor
say that all her organ systems are healthy, and she could go on like this
for fifteen years!  Yikes!

I'de appreciate all responses,
