

Barb M, you described vibrations coming from your adjoining condo
neighbor's air conditioner, to your common wall. The way to damp
low-frequency noise like that is with plenty of massive material,
rather than light porous stuff. My own front entrance, for example
is only about 10 feet from the street, and when I replaced the
original hollow plywood door with one of solid lumber, the noise
of passing cars was reduced about 90 percent. Your condo managers
probably wouldn't let you fill the common wall with concrete or
plaster, but you might find something less permanent that you
could add on your side, say a couple of inches of drywall panel
(firmly attached, for best results). It would cost some floor
space but might be worthwhile. Consult a contractor. Cheers,

J. R. Bruman   (818) 789-3694
3527 Cody Road
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-5013