

  well jonathom i just went through a rough time. was for getting what 2&2
came to. i thould i said a lot of thing i should of not to. was doing crazy
things at time. i all so have taken proson dilinlen aand other. but now i am
getting better. with help of my cg. i may be wrong but i think i have had pd
about as long as any one i seen on the net so far. you do not die of pd but
your mind once and while you think so and want to. the net has talked me out
of wanting to walk infront of a big truck. you can get lot of help from the
net but we got to know more to help as i am 73 26yrs.ofpd been through lot
saw a lot. we all have had trouble. i now am playing cribbage to help me add
2&2 to get 4 and to use my mind again. also i am dumb dumb dumb i like to
see a person email address at the end of apost. i have trouble in is who and
who is sending the post. at my age some some have more trouble i know i am
not the oldest just 73 young. o at the end you will see my email adderress
so as not at times you do not have to use the post. that is all up to you. i
do not and want not to make any body mind up for them as us pwp are very
smart just at times we get mixted up and take a little longer in get 2&2 = 4
ok eh have good life

                      [log in to unmask]
                      73/26 lima,ohio

                      I.Y.Q.don&vivian love of my life

                       BEST MED FOR PD IS
                        LOT OF LOVE