

<< > On Jan. 4 Manfred Heiderich wrote:  >I have several questions:
 > >
 > >1. My symptoms are mild. I feel hardly handicapped at all. Why then should
 > >I start drug  treatment (with Sinemet CR)? My understanding is that no PD
 > >drug (with the possible exception of Selegiline)  actually checks the
 > >progress of the disease; they merely mask the symptoms.... >>


I was diagnosed 2 years ago but I have had symptoms of PD for 11 years.  After
all this time, I also do not feel handicapped.  I have worked with my neuro on
(hopefully) slowing the progression of PD by taking agonists (Selegeline and
Mirapex) and antioxidants (therapeutic dosages of Vits. E and C).  I do not
take Sinemet.

The progression of PD in my case has been extremely slow, so of course I am
satisfied and enthusiastic about my treatment, just as Brian Collins is
satisfied and enthusiastic about his use of Sinemet.  Parkinson's is a
"designer" disease and you need to find the treatment that is best for you.
If your neuro won't work WITH you and consider options, I would look for a
different neuro.

I think everyone will agree that there are several important things you can do
to help yourself.  Keep a positive attitude.  Stay connected to other people.
Maintain an active lifestyle.  Exercise and stretch.  Eat healthy.  Laugh a
lot.  Work for a cure.  "Never give up".

Mary Sheehan