

From: R.C. Able
>Dear Jim and Lanier, Pardon me, but I just thought I might
add my two cents'
>worth, here..... Please note, Elavil *is* a tricyclic,
while Prozac is a
>Seratonin Re-Uptake Inhibitor, or "SRI." They are two
completely different
>classes of medications

Oh dear, oh dear!  Sorry!  Just shows how careful we (I?)
must be in taking someone else's word for something without
careful vetting first. (D--- journalists!) <shame-faced
grin>  Which is why I always preface my remarks with "You
should discuss this with your doctor..", or something

I wonder if SRIs are more effective for PWPs, as a depleted
level of serotonin is a common research finding with PWPs?

Have just come across (by coincidence) a report entitled
"Symptom management in PD" from the NFD "Parkinson's
Report", 4th Quarter, 1996.  It says in part, related to the
subject patient, "... In this instance the addition of
amitryptyline (Elavil) 10-25mgs may help both the sleep and
foot problem (Jim: night and early morning foot cramps) and
would be a reasonable choice."

BUT, it warns "If, however, the patient had memory
difficulties or problems with urinary retention this drug
should be avoided. "

I have also seen articles stating that Elavil raises
serotonin levels.

Stay good (or at least, well <grin>)