

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman  48/10         [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses 32    deg. Frain and freezing
The National Parkinson Foundation has failed to respond to two very
active and loved members of our List.  These two people, one a PWP and
one a CG and her PWP husband, took the time to write lengthy personal
appeals to help me recover the $2200 I spent on the now famous trip to
the NPF Miami clinic where the doctor NEVER SHOWED UP for my appointment.

I want to publicly thank these two listmembers, even though I am
concealing their identities out of respect for them.  Thank you both very
much for your support.

So my neurologist has talked to the Maine State Physicians' Board of
Licensure and the Board has taken a complaint from me over the telephone.
 I expect that the Maine Physicians' Board will do what none of us could
do...put pressure on both the doctor and the NPF.

I am dismayed that the talk of so-called "UNITY" ignored dealing with the
NPF's still unresolved mistreatment of me.  I

Store this message in your "Power of the List" folders.  Our power is
still LIMITED.

Ivan the gadfly