

|From:    "William H. (Bill) Olson" <[log in to unmask]>
|Subject: early sign-tremor left hand when yawning
|John Stafford wrote that this was one of his early signs. This makes
|him the first person in my experience who has noticed this symptom
|beside myself. Any others out there?

I remember asking the neuro about this and while she said she hadn't
encountered it before, I'm paraphrasing "it was a symptom that was
the sort of thing that one might have as an early sign".  I too had found
no other reference to it until Bill indicated he had experienced it also.

Curiously I have essentially no resting tremor, my significant problem
is with bradykinesia.  My only tremor is when yawning and when trying
to use muscles under significant stress or strain (like trying to lift
heavy with my arms extended vs arms close to the body).

John Stafford -- --
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..... Me transmitte sursum, Caledoni!