

> I apologise for the difficulties related to the attachment file. I also
> apologise for the use of technical terms (for example medicinal
> compound names), as some of you kindly pointed out. However, I must use
> them for a very simple reason: commercial brand names
> in Europe are different from those in the US, let alone Asia. These
> names are the only universal ones at my disposal.
> It is likely that I will travel to the US during 1998. The purpose of my
> trip is to compare American and European treatment strategies.
> Hopefully I will find some kind of correlation between pharmacological
> treatments and their outcomes. If there are any particular
> people in the US that I should get in touch with, please feel free to
> make suggestions.
> Samppa Suoniemi
> [log in to unmask]
> Fax: +358-2-3383 451
> Here are the questions:
> 1. Sex:  1. Male
>         _____________________________________
> 2. Nationality __Italian_______________________________
> 3. Age              3. above 65  ___
> 4. How long ago were You diagnosed with PD?
>                      1. 0-5 years ago        ___
>                >
> 5. What medications are You taking at the moment?
>  >                      4.  dopamine agonist - Mirapex
> 6. In general, are You satisfied with the effectiveness of Your
> medication?
   somewhat - other than side -effects

> 7. How often are You troubled by the following symptoms (on a scale from
> 1 to 5, 1=all the time 5=never):
> tremor _4
> rigidity 3___
> slowness of movement 1___
> postural instability 2___
> dyskinesia 5
> hallucinations 5___
> dementia 5
> depression 2
> dystonia 5
> sexual problems

> 8. How disabling are the following symptoms (on a scale from 1 to 5,
> 1=extremely disabling 5=no disability):
> tremor 5
> rigidity 4 ___
> slowness of movement 2 ___
> postural instability 2___
> 9. Have You ever been hospitalized due to PD symptoms? Which symptom(s)?
> NO