

At 10:22 PM 1/8/98 +0000, Alistair wrote:.....A whole lot!!

The last time I heard that many axes grind, I was at the Grinding Dept. of
the Acme Axe and Tent Peg Company.  Wow!!!  The only thing that Alistair
did not touch on was the conspiracy between the government and the AMA and
the drug companies to keep all medical treatments hidden so as to maximize
the profits of above mentioned groups.  And the conspiracy between the
government and the UFOs to abduct anyone who becomes aware of the first
conspiracy!  The headquarters of the conspiracy is in, of course, Area 51
of Roswell, NM.  The first to find out about these nefarious activities was
Casper Houser.  Next to find out was J. Wilton Orgelthorp III.  You have
never heard of J. Wilton Orgelthorp III?  See how good the coverup is!!

For the first time in history, everyone can get access to raw data and
information that has not been screened by someone or some group, whether
govt. agency, international cabal, or religious censor.  That drives those
who want to control what they feel I should read, should know, (or not
know) up the wall!! It drives them nuts!!

But the price of this access is vigilance.  We must do our own filtering.
Access to raw information forces us to be more skeptical, and doubtful
about claims of instant cures.  Anyone remember Laeatril, or radium pills,
or Harry Hoxsey's herbal formula cancer cure, or the latest guaranteed
weight loss pill, or diet.

I must go now.  The aliens are here to collect me.  They are here; watch
out! They are green and look like ET!  Oh no, he is really, really mad!  He
must have gotten the bill for phoning home! Look out!  Arrg....