

I am on the COMT inhibitor Tolcapon (brand name Tasmar) since October, i.=

e. for more than 3 months meanwhile. As I can see from the postings only =
few members have access to this new drug. I think it might be useful for
others to learn from my experience.

I am 43 years old and was diagnosed with PD in 1989, which means now 9
years on drugs. In addition I should mention that I am still working at a=

bank. Well, of course I suffer from fluctuations and dyskenisia. I have n=
tremor, but difficulties in walking, dressing, etc. yo know all these
problems. Since I have the intention to limit the toxitity intake with  t=
drugs (particularly Madopar =3D Sinemet in USA) I have developed a quite
conservative and careful aapproach concerning levodopa. I am convinced th=
high levodopa intake makes the symptoms of PD even worse in the long run.=

Before I started with COMT inhibitor tasmar I took
300 mg levodopa
2 mg Parkotil (pergolide, permax)
5 mg seligilin
per day.

Then I started with Tasmar. 3 x 100 mg per day.
The first 8 weeks I only could reduce levodopa from 300 mg to 250 mg/day.=
had no side effects with Tasmar. It worked and works very fine on me. Aft=
8 weeks Ii suddenly felt a push, which means I felt from one day to the
other that 250 mg levodopa was too much.

Meanwhile my levodopa intake is between 150 mg and 200 mg/day. I have
following schedule:
07.00h:  50 mg l-dopa with 50 mg tasmar (plus a tea and a bread <s<)
08.00 h: seligilin 5mg plus parkotil 0,5 mg
10.00 h: 25 mg l-dopa plus 50 mg Tasmar
12.00h: 25 mg l-dopa plus 50 mg tasmar plus 0,25 mg seligilin plus 0,5 mg=

Parkotil (during or before lunch)
15.00h: 25 mg l-dopa plus 50 mg tasmar plus 0,5 mg parkotil
18.00: 25 mg l-dopa  plus 50 mg tasmar plus 0,5 mg parkotil
20 h: 25 mg l-dopa plus 50 mg tasmar =

My conclusion:
To limt levodopa (Madopar/sinemet) to smallest dosis posssible.
Tasmar extends the duration of l-dopa in blood by 40 % in my case and I
take l-dopa only together with tasmar
Parkotil as agonist works well on D2 receptor and I take it in addition t=
COMT inhibitor tasmar and MAOB inhibitor seligilin.
With a daily intake of 175 mg levodopa plus 2 mg agononist substance I fe=
not healthy but well enough to work und pursue a reasonable adequate life=
My strong recommendation therefore: if you can convince your body to get
along with tasmar: GO FOR IT. You should be able to reduce levodopa by 40=

%. As I told you, it might take a few months to reach breakthrough, in my=

case 2 months.

Due to comt inhibitor I feel more optimistic. I should add that Ii do not=

overdo my activities, which means I take a rest in morning and afternoon
(my employer has made available special room for me to rest - a nice

Hope it was of some ineterest to hear from a German about his tasmar

Dietmar (43/9)