

 boy did i ever get the blue blaze over my stair lift. it is now fixed. but
was not to try and make any changes. or my baby said she was movving back
home. they say i have a high i.q. if so why do they give me heck. said i
could be rich if i would not give so my of ideas away. like lifting old
brass side kick in my fan they get 1000.00 for it at a car dealers way i
wind up elec cords,lift things,savety things so where do they say dad you
are not useing your mind. why aam they say i am always wrrong. if iam smart
i can't always be wrong. i ust like to improve on things. i want to chang my
pato they said it ok as is. no it is not level or fancy. want fix this
summer. to put a drain in cross my yard. they say no. see i am wrong again.
lot of friends say i am a know it all. then why do they ask me to fix this
or what to do if i am always wrong. barb i will try and figure out eamil on
the header so i wont goof up the net. i printed out i think what to do. so i
won't put my email at the end. dont want to maake my net friends mad. as it
is all i got any more. lovee you all. do got to relean how to use my
compterr. i use nickname in eudora will have to add more . can i get email
if i only use this net. my sister,aunt,cousen are going on line or what you
call it. oh a server. well am alla upset sso will close 73's don