

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman  48/10         [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses   28  deg. F ice-storm aftermath

On Mon, 12 Jan 1998 22:18:29 +0800 Bob & Joy Graham
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>I was so sorry to hear about the storms in eastern USA and Canada
>  But three days... unbelievablely scarey.  We saw the pictures on TV.
>Good luck on the "Visible" show. Hope you get time to strike a few good
punches for PD.
>Joy Graham (CG Bob 58, 8+)

Dear Joy and Bob, Debbie W., Emily and Jim Jackson, and others,

    Thank goodness we have woodstoves at my house!!   467,000 Mainers are
still without electricity.  At night, it is plummeting to around 12 deg.
Fahrenheit at the moment.

     It would be very helpful to me if  more IDEAS about WHAT TO
EMPHASIZE in the 30-minute LIVE  WCSH-TV broadcast on Tuesday January
20th, might be posted by Listmembers.

     Meanwhile,  I am working on finding friends to VIDEOTAPE the show
for eventual distribution.  The local Nursing program director from the
University of New England is helping me with that.

    I am afraid of having a MENTAL FREEZE during an off-period  in front
of thousands of viewers.  That's my biggest fear. When my meds wear off,
I can be a complete basket case, plus having to fight horrible pain and
clenching and tightening muscles at the same time!

   My yard and street still  look like a tornado touched down.  Friends
have been coming here to use hot water to bathe, or to get water to boil
for drinking and cooking.  The stores have no further candles, batteries
or generators.  There is the occasional hummm of a chain-saw that pierces
the eery icicle-strewn landscape, as the uncountable number of fallen
trees and branches is slowly cut up and piled for emergency crews to
clear away.  Travel is dangerous and difficult.

   Thank you all for your wishes.

Ivan Suzman