

I don't know about everyone else, but I was glad to get the information that
Tami gave about NADH.  Really Barb, I think you were a little nasty about
her listing.  Didn't sound like  she was doing anything wrong to me.  I
think we can all benefit from everyone else's knowledge.  I really don't
think she is connected, but if so what does it matter.  If it will save me
money all the better.  Nancy B  cg for Don 62/14.
-----Original Message-----
From: Barbara Mallut <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wednesday, January 07, 1998 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: NADH source/Response

>Bluntly, do you work for or otherwise have a monetary interest in any of
>"NADH Sources" you're so busy - as an "herbalist" yet -  referring our List
>members to use and buy?
>If so, I suggest you NOT act the part of a "snake-oil & universal cure-all"
>huckster/salesperson around here if you're REALLY here to find out
>information for your spouse.
>Frankly, your whole message looks to ME like the typical
>stuff that's regularly posted all over the Internet and that includes HERE!
>IF I've made an error in my judgment, I'm sorry, however, this REALLY
>like a hustle to me, and I wasn't born yesterday!
>Barb Mallut
>[log in to unmask]
>From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of TAMJON
>Sent:   Wednesday, January 07, 1998 7:00 AM
>To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
>Subject:        Great NADH source
>Hello everyone,
>I'm relatively new to the listserve, as I have been apart of this group for
>only a few months now.  When I signed up I didn't do an introduction.  I'll
>take a brief moment here to so.
>My husband was diagnosed with early onset PD last August.  He began
>noticable symptoms when he quit smoking last January 1st.  I immediately
>started doing research, and had him diagnosed correctly by April.  (I do a
>great deal of medical research for writing purposes).
>It was at this time (April), I finally convinced my husband we needed ot
see a
>neurologist.  To make a long story short, it took 3 different neurologists
>a multitude of what else -- tests -- before the last doctor finally put the
>name of Parkinsons on it.  We were not shocked, since we were quite sure
>is what it was from all my research and reading on it.
>I know they suspected it right from the start, but those darn doctors don't
>want to tell you didly until they are almost bonafide certain.  Needless to
>say, had we not done any research and prepared ourselves, the diagnosis
>have been a shock.  They didn't even want to speculate about what it was to
>us, until I started rattling off all kinds of symptoms and facts about PD.
>One of the neurologists asked if I was a nurse or something, since I had so
>much knowledge.  Only then, would he tell us what he was considering and
>he wanted to rule out.
>Anyway, my husband is only 40 years old, but subtle symptoms began when our
>last child was born -- he was only 34 then!  His symptoms are fairly mild
>managable.  The doctor put him on Mirapex and he responded favorably.  He
>have trouble staying a sleep at night, and is an earlier riser now.  The
>neuro. said he would just require less sleep.  Because of the insomnia
>effects of the Mirapex he has not been able to try selginine.  The doc said
>this would stimulate him even more, as it has stimulatory effects.
>Therefore, I put him on NADH.  I'm an herbalist, and have my husband taking
>variety of herbs and vitamins.  He has not had a sick day since he started
>them over a year ago.  (I gave him herbs to help him when he quit smoking,
>expanded from there).  He also never has constipation which I understand
>be a cronic problem for PWP.  He takes 1 capsule of fish oil a day, and it
>keeps everything moving.
>He has a slight tremor in his hands, his writing is micrographic, his hips
>legs cramp up and get stiff after walking a distance, his voice is raspy,
>breathy, and trail off at the end of a sentence, and he gets wiped out on
>stressful days.  He can walk farther now before the cramping sets in since
>being on Mirapex.  It also eliminated the tremor that had started in his
>when driving.  It hasn't helped with his speech though.
>I have to admit I'm scared to death about the future.  He is so young to
>this illness, and we have 3 young children to provide for.  I think about
>possibility of him not being able to work a full career, and then what
>we do.  This is not constantly on my mind, but harbors in the background.
>Hopefully, the supplements I have him on, and a healthy lifestyle will help
>keep his progression slow.
>Is it possible for anyone who has this illness to remain classified as a
>case 25 years later?  Is it inevitable that he will have whole body shaking
>and freezing when walking?  Because it affects mostly his lower body now,
>this mean in the future all lower body functions will be affected and
>deteriorate?  Like bladder, bowels, etc.?
>Hey, I thought I said I would be brief?  I guess I came up with a few
>questions for anyone who would like to comment, and help me feel better.
>I would like to share a wonderful source for NADH for any of you who take
>supplement.  Also, if you would like more information on NADH (because you
>won't get it from a conventional doctor/neurologist) there is an
>website at:
>Just don't order the product from them as you will pay way to much.
>A good source of NADH that is enteric coated is made by Metabolic Response
>Modifiers.  This company is even recommended by Dr. Julian Whitaker, M.D.,
>anyone is farmiliar with him.  Anyway, there product is available from JBN
>ENTERPRISES.  They are a mail order supplement company carrying a variety
>vitamins and supplements.  Not all there prices are the lowest -- I shop
>around, especially since I recommend supplements for others.
>The NADH from Metabolic Response are 5 mg. enteric coated tablets, item
>#96648, 60 tablets for $58.99.  BUT WAIT, that's not the best part.  They
>a buy one, get the second one for a dollar deal.  So, you can get 120/ 5
>tablets for $59.99!  That comes out to 50 cents a tablet.  This is a whole
>cheaper than Natrol's NADH which can be found for $34.99/ 30 tablets.
>a whopping $1.16 a tablet.
>Be sure to take your NADH on an empty stomach with water, at least 20
>before taking any other medications, vitamins, juice, coffee, etc.  It is
>to take in the morning, so you can feel its positive effects during the
>PWP should take up to 20 mg. a day, but will probably notice improvement on
>just 10 mg. a day.  Response can be felt in as short as 3 days if taken as
>directed.  This natural occuring supplement is used to treat many PWP in
>Europe.  For some people this is there only treatment, as they respond so
>It apparently works better on those who are not severely disabled by the
>illness.  The NADH energizes the remaining brain cells -- it cannot create
>ones.  So, for severely depleted brain cells, its theraputic effects are
>as noticed.  It does protect the ones remaining however.  This treatment is
>also useful for those who have Alzheimers.
>Would you believe my husband's diagnosis came 2 weeks after my
>neurologist finally admitted to my in-laws that dad has Alzheimers?  So we
>have AD and PD in the family.  Both diseases are have similarities, but are
>different.  Many of the drugs used to treat and help symptoms in PD are
>used for AD.  I find this most interesting.  How I wish my father-in-law
>be willing to try something.  I have a list of helpful supplements he could
>try, along with the drug Aricept that is used for AD,  but he and the wife
>not interested.  This I cannot understand.  What does anyone have to lose
>trying supplements?  You only have the possibility of feeling better to
>Oh well ...
>The phone number for JBN is:  800-487-2111.  There hours are Mon. thru
>9 am to 10 pm EST, Fri. 9 am to 9 pm, and Sat. 10 am to 5 pm.  They are
>located in PA.
>The item number again is:  96648 / 60 tabs for $58.99 / Buy one, get one
for a
>They will include their catalog with an order.
>Thanks everyone for listening to me.  Your comments here on the board make
>laugh and make me cry, but help me to cope.  My husband always tells me
>better with this than me.  Tis so true.
>I hope I've been able to help some of you out who are interested in NADH,
>refrained due to the prohibitive price.  Give it a try, it may just help
>feel better.  Be proactive, that's my advice.  Don't wait for doctors to
>recommend something because it won't happen, unless your neurologist is
also a
>nutritionally educated one.  Do they even exist?
>Take care all,
>Tami A. :)