

On Wed, 17 Dec 1997, Monte Wetzler wrote:

> I've only relatively recently been diagnosed with PD.  In the course of
> trying to learn something about this disease, i came across references to
> qigong and have been practising for about a month.  I havae already found it
> quite helpful and am wondering if anyone else has experience with qigong in
> this reqard.

I know this is almost a month old, but I haven't read the list for almost
a month now (I still have 1082 unread messages in my PD mailbox, believe
it or not...) because of the holidays and a depression that takes away my
motivation to do anything...

About Qi Gong: I like it very much, although I find it difficult to focus
on the movements and it's hard to get that centered feeling in my mind
because of a stiff and cogwheeling left arm. It doesn't feel as fluent as
I'd like. When it works and my mind focuses on the movements and the
music, it's just great, tho. :)
