

Barb -
    If I may, I think you forgot some:
>>> Barbara Mallut <[log in to unmask]>
01/13/98 03:29am >>>
>>>Hi Eldon....
>>>see a variety of online "happy faces," that look
>>>something like this:
 :)      = plain everyday garden variety "happy face"

 :(      = sad "happy face"

 B-)    =  "happy face" wearing glasses

 : #     =  "happy face" with braces on teeth

 @:-)  =  "happy face" with new hairdo

  *<@:-) = "happy face" with hat and new hairdo! <<<

     What about -
 + - )  =  cyclops happy face

 $ -)  = accountant's happy face

 : {)  =  wyatt earp happy face

 > -)  =  mean guy happy face

 < -)  = sad happy face

 ; -)  = winking happy face

 # -[  = dead happy face

Alright alright, enuff already!
     Stephan 53/7