

hi siblings

Wild Dog wrote:...
>If it ( circumcision) was forced upon women
>they'd think twice about making an
>"automatic" decision about it.

and then john morey wrote:
>In Africa about 80%- 90% of the young females
>are circumcised when they reach puberty!
>With out anesthetic!  It is one of the most
>barbaric forms of butchery that is imaginable;
>a defilement of the body that truly meets the
>definition of obscenity!!!

i will join in john's revulsion
and maybe add cause for more

this evil practice is more than 'circumcision'
which in males does not limit sexual performance or pleasure

this butchery is more accurately called 'genital mutilation'
the clitoris is totally removed
and sometimes other 'surgical' adjustments made
with an aim to removing the woman's pleasure in sex
and thus 'ensuring' her fidelity to her husband/aka/owner
[my opinion]

the practice is not limited to african countries
i believe it is practised in arab countries as well
and taken by emigrants to other 'civilized' countries

i believe the practice has some religious background
hearing about it always makes me think of witch-burning

this aching world of ours can only heal itself
when 100% of the human beings here
are valued for what they are

your cyber sibling


janet paterson / 50-9 / sinemet-selegiline-prozac / [log in to unmask]