

Book Report (15 Jan 98)
For current drug data, I used to buy the revised Physician's Desk
Reference (PDR) every year, but it doesn't go out of date that
fast, and this time I waited three years to get the 1998 edition.
The PDR is the sovereign authority on drugs in the US, with
(voluntary) contributions by makers of every prescription drug
and many over-the-counter drugs. Unfortunately, many writers don't
know the word "brief" and tend to drone on and on. Despite thin
paper and tiny type, this makes the PDR a 3-inch-thick,
3200-plus-page, 7.5-pound whopper that is hard to handle, so as a
rainy-day project I looked up page numbers for several of the drugs
I see more often in my reading, and will stick this list inside the
back cover. Too bad, the drugs approved last year didn't quite get
into the 1998 edition; but if you buy one anyway, look for a
sizable discount from the standard $75 price. Cheers,

Page   Generic        Brand#         Use in PD treatment@
 --* Acetazolamide  (Diamox)     Menstrual fluctuations of PD
2656 Albuterol      (Proventil)  Inhalant for bronchospasm (asthma)
 916 Amantadine     (Symmetrel)  Antiviral, NMDA inhibitor
 --  Apomorphine        ?        Potent short-acting DA agonist
1612 Benztropine    (Cogentin)   Anticholinergic
1347 Biperiden      (Akineton)   Anticholinergic
1890 Bromocriptine  (Parlodel)   Postsynaptic DA agonist
2265 Cabergoline    (Dostinex)   Long-acting D2 agonist
1834 Clozapine      (Clozaril)   Tricyclic antipsychotic
1227 Desipramine    (Norpramine) Tricyclic antidepressant
 --  Entacapone         ?        COMT inhibitor
2479 Levodopa       (Larodopa)   DA replenishment
 874 L'dopa/C'dopa  (Sinemet)    DA replenishment
 --  Lisuride       (Revanil)    DA agonist (seldom used now)
2851 Paroxetine     (Paxil)      SSRI antidepressant
 589 Pergolide      (Permax)     DA agonist
 --  Pramipexole    (Mirapex)    DA agonist (photos, but no text)
3075 Primidone      (Mysoline)   Anti-tremor
1042 Procyclidine   (Kemadrin)   Antispasmodic, for PD rigidity
3046 Propranolol    (Inderal)    Beta-blocker, anti-tremor
 --  Ropinirole     (Requip)     DA agonist
2897 Selegiline     (Eldepryl)   MAO-B inhibitor, DA agonist?
2229 Sertraline     (Zoloft)     SSRI antidepressant
 --  Tolcapone      (Tasmar)     COMT inhibitor
1388 Trihexyphenidyl(Artane)     Antispasmodic, for rigidity
# (May have more brand names, depending on maker and where sold)
@ (Some data from non-PDR sources)
* (Listed in PDR For Ophthalmology)

J. R. Bruman   (818) 789-3694
3527 Cody Road
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-5013