

 I have found this thread quite interesting ... the boys are 8 and 5 years old
...they have no specific diagnosis but before "all this" started excema
(rash/rawspots) was rampant. The kids were miserable during the breakout
phases:(  They have been exposed to chicken pox time and time again but have
yet to "catch them". So I'm not sure it would be classified as shingles
related ??? It's all so confusing sometimes ...the way that symptoms are or
aren't relavent ... feels a bit like being a square peg for round hole at
times ... falling into several non-related catagories but being excluded with
the "atypical" adjective...
One of the things that helps the boys during an "outbreak" is to soak in the
bath tub with a bit of olive oil added (be very carefull the tubarea becomes
very slippery). When the boys break out we don't use soap instead we use the
foam shaving cream.
Take care and best wishes from an elf in tn ....Romona   <---newbie webpage but it's in
color <G>
Elf wife to Tony (my hero), and mom to Tori (age 9, nda), Zach (age 8,
multichallenged), Cory (age5, multichallenged). The boys have no definative Dx
but several labels... Ataxia,Nystagmus, Strubismus, Dystonia, Parkinsonism,
Asthma, Execma, Hypotonia, Spasticity....ect  Collectively the
Dystonia/Parkinsonism effects the boys from eyes to toes and progressing
steadily. Currently Cory & Zach are taking Sinemet, Lodosyn and Cory has had 4
rounds of Botox, uses a walker or WC for mobility.
In a message dated 98-01-13 12:37:23 EST, you write:

<< For several years leading up to his diagnosis of "some sort" of PD, my
 father has suffered terribly with skin problems.  None of the doctors he
 consulted, including dermatologists, have been able to help.  His skin has
 gone terribly dry and itchy, altho I don't believe he's suffered the type
 of pain associated with shingles.  He gets covered with scabs and raw
 spots.  This has not gone away at all and he manages to control the itching
 pretty well with cortiozone cream.

 I don't know if this is related at all, but it's interesting that so many
 people seem to experience rashes along with the PD.

 Jane K., Marietta, GA >>