

>PWP  stands for people with Parkinson's. No more, no less.
I wonder,
>however,  how long it will stay in use.  Its easier just to
use the
>collective noun "Parkies,"
>though suppose "PWP" is a bit more elegant. The trouble
(for purists?)
>is that

I don't know, as a latecomer to the list, but I guess that
the idea was to emphasise that PWPs are PEOPLE first, and
that they have PD.  The term "Parkies" perhaps sounds too
much like the kind of epithet that small-minded ignorant
people use for folk who they consider "beneath" them, like
"Arkies", "Newfies", etc.

Used here, the term would have an affectionate tone, but
even then, some might find that patronising.

It is difficult to set just the tone one wants here, when
you can't "see"  the "speaker", and so can't take in clues
such as expression, tone of voice, etc.  That is why ardent
e-mailers use "emoticons"  such as :-)  and :-(
(If you don't know what they are, tilt your head to the left
as you look at them).

Others use <grin>, <groan>, <phew>, etc., while still others
use acronyms such as "IMHO" (In My Humble Opinion), "ROFL"
(Rolling On the Floor Laughing), etc.

Yer pays yer money and yer takes yer choice. <grin>

Jim 59/13
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