

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman  48/10         [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses    28 deg. F 8 inches new snow
after the ICE

   You all know that I am an NADH user.  I receive it irregularly,  when
others buy it for me.  I cannot afford it, so I have been quietly but
actively following the controversy about Tami

    Until now, I have been silent about the "flaming" of Tami.  This
issue represents for me an example of Dr. Martin Luther King's challenge
to humanity, to form community out of potential chaos. I feel I MUST
enter my humble opinion at this point in our collective discussion.

    We all know that only by our unitedness can we as a community of
people  overcome the ravages of Parkinson's.  When I lived in South
Africa, I had the privilege to feel the healing impact of Archbishop Tutu
and many other heroes and heroines, struggling to OVERCOME the ravages of
apartheid and racial thinking.

    Janet Paterson is a voice I admire and respect on our list.

On Mon, 19 Jan 1998 06:09:37 EST Janet313 <[log in to unmask]> writes:

 that Tami

" has not answered barb's simple question"

I am prepared to support Tami,  if she answers Barb Mallut.

Tami,  I hope you will respond immediately.  You will be embraced by the
listmembers if your answer is what we hope--that you are not trying to
profit off of our suffering.

With my horrible experience with the National Parkinson's Foundation,
which continues to IGNORE me, and I feel, profit from our suffering,  as
a context for my hesitation about Tami,

I send out from an ice and snow-locked land, to all of our listmembers,
listlurkers and concealed listreaders,

 My  heartfelt wishes for an inspiring, blessed and peaceful Martin
Luther KIng holiday.

We must at all times direct ourselves away from chaos and towards
community.  I believe that we, too, especially with the Parkinson's Udall
Act's 100 million dollars of research, education and assistance funds at
the threshhold of being committed to use, we in the Parkinson's Community
MUST move courageously, joyously and spiritually in unison.

With love,

Ivan Mfowethu Suzman
witness to apartheid
ex-resident of South Africa
Mainer since 1982