

At 10:44 am 19/01/98 -0500, Gregory E. Leeman wrote:
>I find it interesting most of the members on the list find pallidotomy to be

Hello Greg,

What leads you to believe that most list members find pallidotomy to be risky?

I know people who have benefited greatly from a pallidotomy or a
thalamotomy, and others who received very little benefit, if any. I also
know people who have had DBS, also with mixed results.

While all brain surgery is risky, the difference is that DBS is reversible,
which is what Dr. Delong said.

>>Dr. Mahlon DeLong of Emory University in Atlanta said the DBS, which has
>the same risks as any other delicate brain surgery, is wonderful because "it
>>works for all symptoms of Parkinson's Disease."  Side effects, which are
>>permanent in pallidotomy patients, can be adjusted or eliminated in those
>>with DBS.

>Pallidotomy along with thalamotomy are two accepted procedures.
>They are not experimental and therefore are paid by most insurance

I believe DBS is no longer considered experimental in the US.

Judith Richards
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