

Leadership Council of the Parkinson's Alliance,

Congratulations!!  It sounds like a good start with the principals that we have
discussed here on the list being adopted.  I am anxious to hear more.


Jim Cordy wrote:
> Parkinson Alliance
> “an association of individuals to further the common interests of people
> affected by Parkinson’s”
> The Leadership Council of the Parkinson Alliance (formerly the NPF Parkinson
> ’s Patients Congress) met Jan15-18.  Twelve Parkinson’s advocates
> participated. Consensus was reached on all issues addressed to date.  The
> next step in the evolution of this alliance is to have teams comprised of
> members of the Leadership Council meet with leaders of APDA, NPF, PAN and
> PDF to discuss how we might together hasten our common goal of curing
> Parkinson’s and helping those afflicted with Parkinson’s.  A detailed report
> will be made available shortly after those meetings.  At this time we would
> like to share the following results of our efforts:
> Mission Statement: To provide a structure to empower individuals affected by
> Parkinson’s disease to have a voice in setting the national policy agenda
> for research and patient services.
> Vision Statement: The Parkinson’s Alliance is an action-oriented group of
> people directly affected by Parkinson’s disease.  We include individuals who
> are fervently dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson’s disease and
> providing patient services, to that end, we will develop and maintain a
> national policy agenda with and for the Parkinson’s community.  In unity of
> purpose we collaborate with the mainstream Parkinson’s organizations and
> with people who have Parkinson’s disease.  Through state-of-the-art
> communications at the grass roots level, we:
> 1) advance the national policy agenda;
> 2) promote effective coordination among existing Parkinson’s disease
> organizations, and;
> 3) empower people affected by Parkinson’s disease to make a difference.
> Jim Cordy
> Pittsburgh
> [log in to unmask]


Middleton, WI
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