

 In our area we have a large and I mean a real large supermarket call ( I
better not say). They are a far sighted company and one of the amenities is
that they provide a number of different styles of electrical shopping carts.
Want they did not forsee was that a couple of Parkies would feel the need to
test drive each style to gauge their handling characterists. They also did not
forsee the need at the end of  each row  for traffic control signs such as
yield right of way to pedesterians in your way, slow down for the hot fudge
sundays. Well to make a short story longer. The meat patrol spotted us
speeding from their vantage point behind the hot dogs and gave chase. We tried
to out run them but the banana police set up a road block in the grapefruit
section and our batterys were running low or they would never have caught us.

Needless to say I developed immediate tremours and shook all over and pleaded
with them to release us because I had a daughter who would assume
responsibility for me as my wife could not because she could not stop
laughing. Compentent lawyer that I am I settled out of court. I accepted their
offer not to ride the carts in the store again but they had to treat me to a
cup off coffee. My rowedy friend had to buy lunch for me as my fee for
representing him in his action to maintain his license and to be allowed to
drive a electric shopping cart in the store again.

Just another typical day in the life of a parkie

Dale Severance
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