

Will... Not only have I never been dyslexic, I can write completely
upside-down.... A parlor-trick that I've seen a number of lefties do.

And HEY.... I think the places your wife leaves her glasses and keys are VERY
logical! <grin>  Uhhh.... (thinking)... Do you think it's a gender-related
type logic? <'nother grin>

Barb Mallut
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Will A. Kuipers
Sent:   Tuesday, January 13, 1998 7:50 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        The other right hand

To: Barbara Mallut and Dennis Greene
From: Will Kuipers

Subj.: Confusion between right and left.

Hi Barbara,

How excellent that you managed to better your ways by programming your
brain as to where you left your car in the parking lot!
That is how to do it.
I wish I could get my dear wife and CG to mind where she leaves stuff. =

When I am in the same area, I quietly take note of what she is doing:
leaves her glasses on a towel rack, her car keys near the kitchen sink, a=
on and on. She never puts stuff down in a logical place.
I swear, if her dear head was not attached securely, she would misplace i=
And I am the one with the PD!

Seriously, were any of you guys dyslexic when you grew up? You know, writ=
some letters in mirror
writing? Maybe not, maybe that has nothing to do with it.

I notice in the physical therapy classes that many of the more affected
parkies don't have a clue as to right and left, as they try to imitate th=
therapist's motions, when they are seated across from her.
As we are sitting in a circle and space is sort of limited, that leads to=

frequent collisions.

It is a widespread problem, but you solved it for yourself.  Bravo!!

Will Kuipers
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