

To Jane K. And Mark K, When we think of our parents, and other loved ones, we
look at them as human beings who are very dear to us, we, of course want them
to live as long and in as good health as possible. When an employee of a
nursing home, or even doctors and other medical professionals look at them,
the point of view is different. Even the best of them will become somewhat
detached emotionally, or they will not be able to do their work.  When they
see a person who has survived for seven or eight decades, and is now in major
pain or discomfort they think "this person would be better off dead".  It is
not pleasant to think about,  I am approaching decade 6 pretty fast, myself,
but we can't hate them for feeling that way.  That is why I say, if you can
keep a patient with family or friends, and make sure proper care is provided,
they will usually live longer and better. That is what being a family is
about. If you can't do it, don't feel guilty, as long as you do whatever you
can do about making the nursing home do what they should.  A well written
letter, or a phone call, or personal visit to the home, can make a large
difference in how your loved one is treated. Ken B