

Hi yourself,   Mellisa!

        Yes indeed, I am the contact person for our new Rutland Regional PSG.
You have   my email address. My  phone/fax  is 802/492-3566. The

                                                Elliott  Haynes
                                728  Mt. Holly  Road
                                Shrewsbury, VT 05738

        We meet on the second Thursday  of each month in  the library  of
Episcopal Church,  85  West  Street, Rutland, Vermont, from  2:00 to
4:00 PM. At our next  meeting  on  February 12 our guest speaker will be
the reknowned movement disorder specialist  Dr. Robert Hamill, Professor
and Chairman of the  Department of  Neurology  of the College of
Medicine in the University  of
Vermont.  All  Parkies, Carepartners, family  and friends are welcome to
attend.                  Advance registration is not mandatory  at any
of our meetings, though it is
helpful when those planning to attend do the gracious thing and let me

        Our first meeting  last November was led by your own Jim Maurer,  who
his usual first -class   job. What a treasure that guy is!

                                                                        Cheers,        Elliott

TO  HELL  WITH  PARKINSON'S !!                LONG  LIVE  WET  B0NES !!
                                      Ten Ribald
Parkies                                                    Proverbs