


My little Geo Storm IS red already!   And HEY- You KNOWI live in
LaLa Land!   I assure you that NO ONE who lives in L.aLa Land would EVER be
caught dead with anything less than an American Express card (a GOLD card!) on
their car antenna - not on the radio antenna, the cell phone antenna, the FAX
antenna! <LOL>

Barb Mallut
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Ken Becker said:

Barb, maybe I can help a little: 1. Next time you buy a car get a bright
color, such as Flame Red, this REALLY HELPS! 2. Put something on you radio
antenna like a tennis ball, or a ribbon, or a bright artificial flower, to
make it more visible. 3 Next car, get a remote door opener that beeps at the
car when you push the button.  4. Always shop near the end of the day, so you
can wait until most of the other shoppers leave, and then your car will be all
alone, and you can't miss it.  BTW I am NOT a car salesman! Ken B