

At 04:00 PM 1/16/98 +1100, Jim Slattery wrote:
>>PWP  stands for people with Parkinson's. No more, no less.
>I wonder,
>>however,  how long it will stay in use.  Its easier just to
>use the
>>collective noun "Parkies,"
>>though suppose "PWP" is a bit more elegant. The trouble
>(for purists?)
>>is that
>I don't know, as a latecomer to the list, but I guess that
>the idea was to emphasise that PWPs are PEOPLE first, and
>that they have PD.  The term "Parkies" perhaps sounds too
>much like the kind of epithet that small-minded ignorant
>people use for folk who they consider "beneath" them, like
>"Arkies", "Newfies", etc.
>Used here, the term would have an affectionate tone, but
>even then, some might find that patronising.
>It is difficult to set just the tone one wants here, when
>you can't "see"  the "speaker", and so can't take in clues
>such as expression, tone of voice, etc.  That is why ardent
>e-mailers use "emoticons"  such as :-)  and :-(
>(If you don't know what they are, tilt your head to the left
>as you look at them).
>Others use <grin>, <groan>, <phew>, etc., while still others
>use acronyms such as "IMHO" (In My Humble Opinion), "ROFL"
>(Rolling On the Floor Laughing), etc.
>Yer pays yer money and yer takes yer choice. <grin>
>Jim 59/13
>[log in to unmask]
  jim you sound as if you got lousy out look on life i feel for your cg. i
am 73/26 hope you make to my time in life. don I.Y.Q. ?