

Have just investigated VA benefits for my dad, 80/10. They live in Cincinnati
which has a large VA hospital. We had no idea what to expect, but it turned out
to be a no hassle morning. My mother provided a total income figure and then they
they subtracted the amount that my parents spend in health care costs every
month. the resulting total just got them in to qualify for the $2 per perscrip-
tion benefit. I think the income cap was $27,000. The next step was a brief
visit with a doc who took dad's history including meds. He now waits to hear
when his appointment will be with the neuro. He can not have his perscriptions
filled unless he sees the VA neuro. although this is supposed to change in the
next year. We are going to give it a try - feel we have nothing to lose at this
stage of the game. His meds cost $300 per month do this would be a big help.
I'll keep the list posted after we see the neuro which will probably take 2
months before there is an appointment opening. I think every VA hospital
operates differently and veterans who have service caused disability have
priority.  Good luck