

At 08:53 AM 1/14/98 -0800, Clara wrote:

>My latest complaint with the banking empire is the fact they now charge
>customers for downloading information about personal accounts. Then,
>adding insult  to injury, gripe number two are the charges companies tack
>on if you don't have the amount owed them automatically deducted from your
>bank account.

Everything is about money or power. My gripe is ATM charges.  Remember,
ATMs were installed to save the bank money by having fewer tellers.  Now
the ATM is seen as a way to make money.  ATMs are now, in fact, the most
profitable part of the bank's operation.  But the money grubbers that run
banks want more!  So they are charging you when you want your own money
back.  It reminds me of the middle ages, when a convict who was to be hung,
had to pay the hangman!
                                                                        Peace, John