

Where to Start
1. Anyone interested in creating a CAT or having their current group
designated a CAT should contact Michael Claeys at (800)850-4726.
2. Work within your local Parkinson's community to find people wishing to
become active and participate in the CAT.
3. Designate a CAT leader and/or contact person (maybe the same individual).
4. Contact your Representative and two Senators.  If appropriate, thank them
for supporting the Udall bill in 1997 (PAN can provide information on your
legislators).  Provide them with information on Parkinson's disease, your
group's interest, and the community's legislative priorities for 1998.  (The
CAT materials will contain this information.)

The highest priority areas for establishing CATs are in the states and
districts of the members of the Senate and House Labor/HHS Appropriations
Subcommittees.  Other priorities are the states and districts of the members
of the full Appropriations Committees, and House and Senate Authorizing
Committees, the Congressional leadership, and any Member with a particular
interest in Parkinson's or medical research.  While these are the top
priorities, remember that every Member of Congress is important and should be
encouraged to become a Parkinson's champion.

CAT Leaders
Given the greater degree of organization and communication sought by the CAT
program, CAT leaders will require a solid understanding of the program, the
advocacy materials and techniques used, and the federal legislative process.
Leaders are encouraged to thoroughly review the materials provided, and to
contact Michael Claeys with any questions.

In addition to the basic advocacy training provided, PAN's June 1998 Public
Policy Forum will include special advanced training sessions for CAT leaders.
During the Forum, CAT leaders will also be asked to play a greater role
training less experienced advocates.

As with any community-based effort, the CAT program will only be as successful
as the people who participate in it.  The Network would appreciate your
feedback on the Community Action Team initiative, and your suggestions for how
to make it as effective as possible.  Please send your comments to the
attention of Michael Claeys, Parkinson's Action Network, 818 College Avenue,
Suite C Santa Rosa, CA 95404.  Telephone:(800)850-4726  Fax: (707)544-2363
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