


An acquaintance with PD claimed to have "burning" feet and her neuro said it
had nothing to do with PD.  Just out of curiosity, I asked my neuro about it
and said that it probably was due to the PD.  Apparently PD can force the
skin to excrete certain irritating chemicals.  His suggestion was to buy a
topical cream called Zostrix (sp?).  This will leech the bad chemicals from
the affected area.  However, he said that initially it would worsen the
symptoms but to stick with it.

I never heard back from my acquaintance on this matter so I don't know if
she tried it.  She is not on this list.

                        Ron Reiner (50/2)

At 09:03 AM 1/13/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear Parkinsn@Listserv users,
>We are new to this forum, so this question may have already been answered.
>Our father/father-in-law is 75 and has had Parkinsons for 10 years.  He is
>         Sinimet (CR50-200) 3 times a day;
>         Neurontin (300mg) 2 w/breakfast, 1 w/lunch, 1 w/dinner, 2 at
>                  bedtime;
>         An Artane generic (2 mg) 3 times a day;
>         Xanax (.25mg) 2 times a day.
>He is really bothered by a burning sensation, generally starting in the feet
>and occasionally over his entire body.  We cannot figure out what causes
>this burning.   Has anyone experienced this?   Are there ways to lessen or
>eliminate this burning?
>Thanks so much to all!  -  Reginald & Carobeth Bennett
>                                           ([log in to unmask])