

I will say that if a person has at least a 3 day stay in a hospital and goes
directly into a NH, medicare will pick up the first 20 days 100 percent, and
then 80 percent up to a total of 100 days.  If on private pay vs medicaid,
that is a saving of $2500 Plus a month.
The case worker could also suggest home health which is wonderful if one stays
home.  Previously to Mel going in the NH Nov 13th, we had home health 7 days a
week.  He was bathed and dressed each morning and that was great.  Of course,
his teeth were brushed and he was shaved as well.  With someone to help me put
him to bed each night at 7pm., we were able to hang in there for sometime.
If one does private pay, you can get full time people at home for less than
the cost of NH.  If nothing else put his name on a waiting list for the best
NH you can find as it takes at least one year to get into the good ones (at
least here).
Hope it all works out.
Mary CG for Mel 76/12