


First of all there is no such thing as a "stupid" question. All of us
lack knowledge in many different areas.

There is no stock answer to your question because how you deal with a
Parkie depends to a great extent on how the Parkie is dealing with the
disease. I divide the patient's reactions into four phases. 1) Denial,
2) Anger, 3) Resignation, and 4) Fight back.

Some patients go through all four phases while others may experience
only one (I went directly to phase 4).
Following are my own general thoughts on how to deal with each phase.

Denial -- not much can be done here, but people usually do not stay in
this phase for long.

Anger -- Also known as "Why me. God?". First goal is to help the
patient manage the anger. Second goal is to help them realize that
nobody is to blame.

(Some  people might put "Acceptance" here but acceptance can take the
form of either of my next two phases.)

Resignation -- This is a common phase, especially if depression is
present. It is a feeling of hopelessness and the patient dwells more
on what they can't do rather than on what they can do. The general
guidelines for dealing with people with depression would be applicable

Fight Back -- This is the phase that most of the members of this list
are in. The main problem here is the differences between their "on"
and "off" conditions. When I am on I can do almost everything I could
before my PD symptoms became noticeable, yet when I am off I am
practically a basket case. The hardest part for others is to know when
to offer assistance and when not to.

My family knows that if I really need assistance I will ask for it. At
the same time, if they see that I am having difficulties I will not be
offended if they go ahead and help.

(I also explain this to others with whom I have more than occasional
contact. The instructor I share an office with has become quite good
at judging whether or not I need assistance.)

I only have three other rules to apply: Love them, love them, and
love them.

To all you caregivers I extend my love and my heart-felt thanks.

Sinemet CR & Mirapex

Bruce G. Warr, Ph.D. (C)
Healthcare Informatics Laboratory
Information Systems Department
University of Maryland Baltimore County