

It would seem we can't win for losing ...

01/21/1998 06:43 EST

Praise, Condemnation on Cow Cloning

By ALISON FITZGERALD -- Associated Press Writer

BOSTON (AP) -- Animal scientists offered congratulations. Animal-rights
groups offered condemnations.

The reactions came after scientists announced Tuesday they had developed a
technique for cloning  genetically customized calves able to produce
medicines for humans in their milk.

Drs. Steven Stice and James Robl presented their research on the second day
of an International Embryo Transfer Society conference. Other researchers
said the calves mark the most viable step  so far toward "pharming," the
development of pharmaceuticals usingfarm animals.

"We're working in the same area toward the same goal," said Dr. Will
Eyestone, with PPL Therapeutics in Blacksburg, Va.

Animal rights activists were troubled by that goal.

"We condemn all who engage in cloning or genetic engineering both human and
animal cells for the alleged purpose of furthering pure science," the
Massachusetts chapter of Earth First! said in a statement. "The cloning of
living cells steps beyond the field of science and into the realm of creation."

Hundreds of miles away, 13 pregnant cows are waiting to give birth to cloned
calves at a ranch near College Station, Texas. Six will be identical to
George and Charlie, the cloned calves born last week. The rest are females,
which is where the real payoff will come.

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