

Gee, Ken... now I feel just terrible for implying that you.... uhhhh... skirt
the fringes of honesty.  I shoulda known better than to imply that a guy like
you is dishonest (liar, liar, pants on fire!). <grin>

After all -  you're the man who claims to be the only adult living in the
entire state of Florida who's not old enough for Social Security benefits, the
fellow who claims to have taught Bill Gates everything he knows, the man
who..... who.... well, maybe I'd better not reveal THAT in public (YOU
know....) <smirk>

Hey folks.... really.... Ken is as honest as the day is long!! (said with
utmost sincerity, and fingers crossed behind her back) <giggle>

Smooooches at ya, Ken - a good sport if there ever was one!

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Ken Becker
Sent:   Wednesday, January 21, 1998 8:58 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: BEING FLAMED ON THE LIST - or being hustled?

Barb! How can you question my honesty? The only time I lie, is when I am not
telling the truth!  I am a close personal friend of the President, I spend my
spare time in the White House. I am an advisor to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Nasa calls me before any launches. I invented the Microprocessor, and designed
the Pentium in my spare time, but the whole thing was stolen from me.  Thomas
Edison used to call me for help inventing new devices.  I told him how to
design lightbulbs that only burn out when you really need them.  I designed a
way to make car batteries out of chocolate ice cream.  I am a partner with Don
Rickles in a chain of Charm Schools.
..............and you think I would LIE?  No WONDER running and