

Hi- I am new to the list and really enjoy it. I was diagnosed with PD at age
30 (six years ago) although I've had symptoms since my first child was born
(11 years). I have severe on/off response to PD meds and had a unilateral
pallidotomy 2 years ago, which helped considerably. I still have dyskinesis on
the untreated side. I do so much better (PD symptoms) during my ovulation time
and terrible around the pre-menstrual time. My question: oes anyone know, or
have heard about, a way to keep hormonally balanced during the whole month?
The difference between the times of the month and my PD symptoms are like
night and day. Thanks for your input!! P.S. One more note: after my second
child was born in 1990, my symptoms worsened considerably, which seems to
verify some hormonal link.