

Hi all,
        Just an update on my progress with Cabaser, which I have now been=
 taking since the end of November '97.
I am pleased to say that the initial improvements previously reported hav=
e not only been maintained but have increased.
I am now taking 4mg once a day, which has enabled me to reduce my Madopar=
 from 187.5 mg three times a day to two times a
day, with reduced dyskenesia and an overall improvement in my mobility =
during my "off" spells. The only apparent side effect so
far is mild constipation, which given the improvements, is a fair trade =
 DISCLAIMER: I realise that the above comments might appear too good to =
be true, therefore I would just like to say that I have
no connection whatsoever with the makers,retailers or distributors of Cab=
aser, I have simply told it how it is for me.
    Best wishes
    Nigel Harland
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