

Richard V. Fisher wrote:
> According to my wife, I was surprised to hear that I have had 3 or 4
> episodes of rather violent shaking of my entire body as I sleep.  The
> vigorous vibrations do not wake me up but they wake my wife.

I am well aware of this condition but my neuro said all Parkinson's
shakes are not apparent when sleeping.  As my wife disagreed I began
researching and in a book entitled Caring for the Parkinson Patient,
edited by J. Thomas Hutton MD, PHD and Raye Lynne Dippel,PHD I found
reference to Night Shakes or Nocturnal Myclonus and the medication used
to relieve the symptoms is Clonzapam. It is normally prescribed for
Myclonic Eplepsy but if it works who cares. It is commercially known
here as Rivotrel and since telling my neuro I've had no problems.

Good luck,
Peter Dawkins