

Hello, Don -

There is actually one more step before any money from the Udall Bill can be used.

The Udall Bill AUTHORIZED Congress to appropriate money for Parkinson's Research and Education.  We are still waiting for Congress to actually APPROPRIATE the funds.

When that happens, the plans are to use $ for research into causes and cures.  Money will probably also be used to train doctors etc to work with Parkinsons patients and their families, to gather information about PD in a central clearinghouse, and to provide info about PD to patients and to the general public.

Mary Rack
[log in to unmask]

From:   donald mckinley <[log in to unmask]>
Sent:   Friday, January 23, 1998 12:12 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:        udall bill

 can some one give me what some of money from bill is being used for by
feb.5th as i will be atening a support group. and the asked if i could tell
them some thing

                        [log in to unmask]
                        73/26 lima,ohio

                        I.Y.Q. DON&VIVIAN LOVE OF MY LIVE-52

                        BESR MEDS FOR PD IS