

At 07:57 PM 1/23/98 UT, you wrote:
>FYI... On days like today, when there's major regional, national, and
>international news events breaking several times a day, the Internet can seem
>likes it's grinding to a halt for many of us "Netizans."
I have a link to the traffic reports at my site as well:

also there is a translation facility for English, French,
German, Portugese, Italian and Spanish.

Under Internet Resources, Health and Medicine are some Parkinson
related links.

If you wish to find out more about surfing the 'Net check:

Getting HELP with the Internet and Computers

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_/                                                        _/
_/        John S. Walker                                  _/
_/        Publisher, CSS Internet News (tm)               _/
_/        (Internet Training and Research)                _/
_/        PO Box 57247, Jackson Stn.,                     _/
_/        Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8P 4X1              _/
_/  Email [log in to unmask]                           _/
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_/        "To Teach is to touch a life forever"           _/
_/         On the Web one touch can reach so far!         _/
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