

Barb-- kudos for your gracious apology! That took courage, and I hope Tami
appreciated it.  Anyway, thanks from the rest of us!

>Tami, I should have not written to you in the manner I did (tho I still would
>have posted SOME word of warning to the group due to those buzz words).  I
>know I have great writing skills when I care to use them (tho I coast here on
>the List), and after 6 years working as a certified paralegal prior to working
>online, I learned how to use words  as weapons.  In fact, I can NOT use
>certain words and get the same effect!!
>I don't LIKE "playing" with folks emotions, Tami.  And I didn't like playing
>with yours.  I TRIED not to.... (with only moderate success).  THAT wasn't ' t
>fair to you, I think... .   I had you at a disadvantage.. and for that I
>apologize 'cause  this ISN'T a war!
>And IF I decide to mow someone down in the future, I'll just rent a Sherman
>Tank to do the job! <giggle>
>NOW I've REALLY gonna get to sleep, 'cause I have a PD Support Group meeting
>in the early afternoon, and I'm going to be SOOO tired.
>Love to you dear people....
>Barb Mallut
>[log in to unmask]

 Shalom, Camilla                        [log in to unmask]

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                #  When the Spirit moves,  #

                #    the Light changes.    #

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