

Correction:  Errrrrr.... that was SUPPOSED to read "

 "Ken's gotta GREAT sense of humor and I know let fly at him, he'll
ALWAYS turn it into something outrageously witty and funny."

I DO wish I could TYPE! <grin>

Barb Mallut (thank goodness for spell checkers!)
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Barbara Mallut
Sent:   Monday, January 26, 1998 8:16 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: am I mixed up

Barb P.

MOI "pick on Ken?"   Why Barb, m'dear..... THAT isn't "picking on Ken,"
It's..... it's..... uhhhhhh... it's just keeping him on his toes! <giggle>

Seriously.. to all List Members... I'm looooove our Mr. Becker.  Ken's
gotta GREAT sense of humor and I know let fly at him, I know he'll
ALWAYS turn it into something outrageously witty and funny.  And
THAT'S why Ken's regularly in my line of fire.... (RIGHT, KEN?)  <Ken?
KEN?   R I G H T  Ken?>  (grin)

Just think of us as the "Ken 'n Barbie Show..." <smile>

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Barbara Patterson
Sent:   Monday, January 26, 1998 5:33 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: am i mixed up

Hi, Don.  Sorry for the confusion, Don.  Janet Paterson is the woman who
moved from Bermuda to near Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. She is the one who
sometimes reposts your messages because she thinks they are so important
(so do I) that she doesn't want anyone to misunderstand them. Barb Mallutt
is the woman who lives in California and picks on Ken who lives in
Florida.  I'm Barb Patterson, the one who started the list and live in
Dundas, Ontario, Canada.

About where to put your email address...please don't worry about that.
When you send a message to the list, your email address is included, so
when you include it at the end of your message, it's okay to put it
wherever you want to.

About spelling...please don't worry about it...we can usually understand
what you are saying.  If some members, especially those whose first
language is not English, have problems understanding, please let us know
and some of us will try to help.

Don, you and Vivian are an example to us all.  I hope I can do half as
well as you when I've had pd as long as you have.

Barb Patterson
[log in to unmask]

On Mon, 26 Jan 1998, donald mckinley wrote:

>  janet patterso barb ptterson barb mullet i got all in my nicknames well any
> how was it you who repost my post and spell evey thing right? as you know i
> do not want to hurt the list. should i but my email in center or to the
> left? is barb and janet one and the same? i am going thrugh time now. vivian
> says mr pd is around to much help don

Barbara Patterson                               [log in to unmask]
HSC 2J22                                        905-525-9140, ext. 22403
                        School of Nursing