

  their was 8 men that got together to go canda fishing. they decied who was
to bring what drive and so fort. well when they got and set up camp they
found out they had not decied as who was to cook. well they drew straws
short lost. ok that is usely way men do things. he was to cook till some one
complaind than he was to cook. now evry man know there is always a guy who
is hog. he had bid spoon,fork,knife plate. well first done good job at
cooking but did not get much time in to fish. so he did about every thing to
goof up the food well this day it was bad out. so when they came in every
bouty was hungry. hog was the worest. he jumped and said this food taist
like b---l s---t but goog though. up to you to figure out the moral

                         I.Y.Q. DON&VIVIAN LOVEOF MY LIFE-52

                         BEST MEDS FOR PD IS
                         LISTEN TO DON&VIVIAN LOLOLO