

Hello all,

My name is Joan Gardner (  I work for Purdue
University in West Lafayette, IN.  I was born and raised (an only child)
in Syracuse, NY--married about 10 years ago and we moved to Lafayette.

My parents still live in Syracuse, NY--and about 6 years ago my mom was
diagnosed with Parkinson's.  She did quite well up until about 6 months
ago when she started a rather major downward turn.  She can no longer
communicate, write--anything, must be fed her meals, taken to the
bathroom; and my father informed me on Sunday that her legs are giving
out more and more and she is leaning quite heavily on him--and we won't
even start to talk about the falls she has had.  They are both 75 years
old--and (when I was growing up) were very independent people.

My father has always been the introvert and mom the outgoing
people-person.  It has been quite a shock for him to take over paying
bills, making household decisions, etc.  He has started leaning more and
more on me (which is good--if I can help at all I want to)--and we
communicate at least weekly.

If anyone has any information that may help us to deal with what else
may be down the road for us--please pass it along.  My purpose is to
make it as easy as possible for my parents in this stage of their lives.
If dad and I can anticipate some of these things ahead of them
happening; it may help to "soften the blow" for mom.  She still seems to
know everything that is going on around her, but she is unable to tell
us what she wants to communicate.

Thank you.

Joan Gardner (
School of Management
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN  47907-1310