

Hello List Friends -- Since we're in a "joke-mode" right now on the List,
I thought I would try and remember a joke that was my Grandfather's
favorite and that he told over and over again. For some reason, it really
tickled his funny-bone and I thought perhaps some of you needed your's
tickled too.  It goes something like this.....

A large squadron of new army recruits had been practicing maneuvers for
several weeks deep in a jungle.  The men were exhausted and filthy from
lack of sleep and an absence of any shower or laundry facilities. One day
the General came and told them to all line up and stand at attention...
that he had some "good news" AND some "bad news".  When the men had lined
up, the General said..."The good news is 'you all get a change of under-
wear'."  The men cheered!  "What's the bad news?" a soldier asked....  the
General replied.."you change with the guy on your right."

(Grandpa had a "funny" sense of humor.

Janice Long